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Posted on September 10, 2018 by in Testimonials

The Stephen Maddox Story- Caring

Just over a year ago, CCW Safe provided the defense of member Stephen Maddox in the industry first, full trial of a self defense Murder I case.  Stephen was found not guilty, and was able to walk out of the front doors of that courthouse.  One of the core values of CCW Safe is Caring, and it was seen through the course of the trial in the coverage and resources provided by CCW Safe. 

Caring was another value that was never questioned by Stephen about CCW Safe’s service and coverage.  

Caring was the value that really impacted Stephen during his two year experience with CCW Safe.  It was not only about Stephen, but also about his family.  About his wife, his kids, and there wasn’t a week that went by that he didn’t talk to CCW Safe.  

“It wasn’t always about the case, it was more like, How are you doing?  How is your family doing?”-  Stephen Maddox

If CCW Safe was a supplier that I had to evaluate from a professional standpoint, I would defintely say that CCW Safe was first class.