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Responsible Self-Defense begins with Knowledge.

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The Command Presence: Projecting Confidence and Competence

Shawn Vincent looks at the importance of being competent with your weapon as well as being confident in the manner you...

Protecting Your Family From The Aftermath

The truth that both Tatiana and Claude allude to here is that a self-defense shooting, even when justified, can have a...

In Self Defense – Episode 72: Warning Shots, Defensive Display, and the Power of Light

Steve Moses joins Don West and Shawn Vincent to talk about whether warning shots are ever appropriate (they aren’t),...

In Self Defense – Episode 71: The Defender’s Dilemma

Don West and Shawn Vincent are joined by Steve Moses to discuss the challenge of an armed defender facing a physical...

Fools Rush In: The Wisdom of Avoidance

Shawn Vincent interviews Tatiana Whitlock and Claude Werner about the importance of avoidance when faced with potential...

Beyond the Gun: The need for less lethal options

Shawn Vincent interviews Tatiana Whitlock and Claude Werner about less than lethal options for...