Responsible Self-Defense begins with Knowledge.
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The Four Elements of Self Defense: Post Incident Actions
What a victim does and says in the immediate aftermath of a shooting makes a big difference on how investigators,...
The Four Elements of Self Defense: Reasonable Fear
Virtually every self-defense case begins with a conflict that escalates to the point of violence. And in virtually...
The Four Elements of Self Defense: Escalation
Virtually every self-defense case begins with a conflict that escalates to the point of violence. And in virtually...
Exploring Location and the Four Elements of Self Defense
A look at how location factors into the four elements of self-defense, and whether or not a defensive shooting will...
Knowing When Not to Shoot: The Lee Bartlett Story
When we examine self-defense cases, looking for lessons for the concealed carrier, we all too often find that shootings...
A Fine Line Between Self-Defense and Murder
If you're ever in a position where you're tempted to stand your ground --even if you are legally allowed to do so --...