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Responsible Self-Defense begins with Knowledge.

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In Self Defense- The Finishing Machine- The Self Defense Case of Gerald Strebendt- Escalation

Strebendt’s first instinct, if his testimony is to be believed, was to get away from Crofut and avoid a confrontation...

Core Elements of Deadly Force: Ability

This series addresses the difference between being a willing participant and reluctant participant to a confrontation,...

Inside CCW Safe Podcast- Episode 10: Citizen’s Use of Force Continuum, Part I

In this week's episode, Mike and Stan talk about the Citizen's Use of Force Continuum that was developed by CCW...

In Self Defense- The Finishing Machine- The Self Defense Case of Gerald Strebendt- Location

Strebendt was driving home from the supermarket when he came upon Crofut’s car. Strebent claimed that Crofut stopped...

CCW Safe Featured On Local News

KFOR Channel 4 ran a story on CCW Safe recently, and had a sit down interview with the founder and CEO, Mike Darter....

Case Of The Week with Andrew Branca-October 31st, 2018

This story comes out of Chattanooga TN last week, and involves a man who fired shots at his receding automobile as it...