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Responsible Self-Defense begins with Knowledge.

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The Four Elements of Self Defense: Reasonable Fear

Virtually every self-defense case begins with a conflict that escalates to the point of violence. And in virtually...

The Four Elements of Self Defense: Escalation

Virtually every self-defense case begins with a conflict that escalates to the point of violence. And in virtually...

Exploring Location and the Four Elements of Self Defense

A look at how location factors into the four elements of self-defense, and whether or not a defensive shooting will...

Peruta v. San Diego:  The Right to Carry Outside Your Home

Do you think the Second Amendment protects your right to “keep and bear arms” outside your own home? Earlier in...

Knowing When Not to Shoot: The Lee Bartlett Story

When we examine self-defense cases, looking for lessons for the concealed carrier, we all too often find that shootings...

The Exception, Not The Rule

The Attorneys in the Maddox case, Tartt Thomas and Kurt Schmidt, talk about defending Stephen and the vital resources...