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Responsible Self-Defense begins with Knowledge.

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The Next Fight- The Bond Hearing

Bail is set by a judge, and on a serious crime, such as murder I or II, or even manslaughter, especially where a gun...

The Next Fight with Don West- Choosing Your Attorney

Don talks about the right to counsel as a fundamental right. Everyone facing criminal charges has right to counsel,...

Civil liability Coverage for a Self-Defense Shooting – Does it really matter if your new home is Prison?

A recent article – “COVERAGE FOR A SELF-DEFENSE SHOOTING: Do I Need it and What Am I Getting?” compared current...

The Next Fight- Being Formally Charged

Don talks about the pre trial process, indictments, grand jury, and the...

The Next Fight- Interacting With Police During An Arrest

Being respectful and polite will establish you as such, that you can control your emotions, and suggests that your...

The Next Fight- Police Search After Shooting

Don talks about search warrants, consent to search, and the legality of search. Should you consent to...