Posted on November 6, 2017 by support@ccwsafe.com in Training
NEW! CCW Safe Academy Launched
We are excited to announce the launch of CCW Safe Academy, a new online training division of CCW Safe. This is an additional benefit for CCW Safe members, as members will be able to access the courses for free, or at a greatly discounted rate. Non members can access the courses as paid content. Courses will range between $59 and $129 depending upon the course and instructor.
If you are a current member of CCW Safe, you should have recieved an email about it and instructions on how ot access this first class. Another email will be sent out today. If you can’t find the email, log into your account and you will see it under My Account > My Offers.
We have launched our first course, Firearms Safety, Handling, and Storange, written by Dustin Merritt and Gary Eastridge. This course is free for CCW Safe members. The course contains sections on each element, including text, and video, and there are 2 short quizzes involved in the training. The course includes information on:
- The four basic rules of firearms safety
- Basic firearms identification
- Safely handling a firearm
- Safely loading and unloading a firearm
- Safely handing off a firearm
- Proper storage of firearms
- Home and Auto storage
- Includes information on both revolvers and semi automatic pistols
In the upcoming months we will be releasing other training courses including the list below. * indicates free content for members:
- Aftermath of a Shooting*
- Concealed Carry Use of Force Continuum*
- De Escalation for Concealed Carry*
- Run, Hide, Fight- Active shooter trainng
- Concealed Carry Mindset*
Look for more courses soon!