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Posted on December 4, 2017 by in Training

Training Philosophy

Training.  We believe in it.  We encourage it.  We practice it.

This past weekend, some of the CCW Safe staff attended a great training course offered by two of the best and most precise trainers in the industry.  Larry Vickers and Rob Leatham.  The course was offerd through Aztec Training, and was in Casa Grande, AZ.  

The course was an advanced handgun course, and was three days of intense shooting.  We recieved some great training and got to meet some really great people.

If you are not ready for advanced training, we strongly encourage you to start with some basic courses, with local trainers in your area, and work up to advanced classes.   We have made a decision, on a personal, and corporate level, to make our own personal training a priority, and we hope that our members will too.  You can never have enough training when it comes to firearms.  This is one reason why we have launched the CCW Safe Academy online, but there is no substitute for actual live classes.  

So, if we can do it, you can do it.  Find good training and attend it. Even if you have to travel.  If you ever have to defend yourself, I guarantee it will pay off, and it will be priceless.