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Responsible Self-Defense begins with Knowledge.

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The Brenna Cavanaugh Case Part 2: Pursuing an Intruder

In part two of this series Shawn Vincent looks at why it is a bad idea to pursue an intruder if they...

The Brenna Cavanaugh Case Part 1: Lock Your Doors

Shawn Vincent begins a three part series looking at the Brenna Cavanaugh Case and breaking down some potential lessons...

In Self Defense – Episode 85: Between Fear and Anger The Byron David Smith Case Part 2

Don West and Steve Moses join Shawn Vincent to explore how fear and anger can affect an armed home defender’s...

The Melinda Herman Case Part 3: Six Shots to Save Your Life

Shawn Vincent talks with Tatiana Whitlock, Chuck Haggard and Don West about some lessons learned from the Melinda...

In Self Defense – Episode 84: Prairie Justice The Byron David Smith Case Part 1

Don West and Steve Moses join Shawn Vincent to take a fresh look at the Byron David Smith case, discussing themes of...

The Melinda Herman Case Part 2: A More Defensible Place

Shawn Vincent talks with Tatiana Whitlock and Don West about some lessons learned from the Melinda Herman...