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Posted on May 19, 2016 by in Uncategorized

Backup Guns: “As a concealed carrier, should I carry a backup gun?”

We have gotten this question recently, so we thought we’d write a short article about our thoughts on backup guns. I personally don’t think that concealed carriers needs to carry a back up gun for self protection.

We have gotten this question recently, so we thought we’d write a short article about our thoughts on backup guns.  I personally don’t think that concealed carriers need to carry a back up gun for self protection.

While there is nothing wrong with carrying multiple weapons, how often do you practice drawing from these multiple locations?  In a critical incident, it is important to understand the difference in muscle memory and how fine muscle skills quickly lose their abilities.  You need to practice these draws until they become gross muscle skills.  To survive a critical incident, you need to practice drawing your firearm from your holster.  This is the main reason we recommend to carry consistent and consistently use the same holster.  Instead of practicing multiple firearm draws, why not practice malfunction drills.  Most agencies do this every time they go to the range.  Why not practice learning to reload quickly. Again, there is nothing wrong with carrying multiple firearms.  But if we are going to be realistic, why not learn to operate one weapon system extremely well.

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