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Posted on August 19, 2019



I laid my eyes on the newly introduced Glock 48 for the first time at the SHOT SHOW in Las Vegas in January 2019. In a recently published article discussing new items introduced at the 2019 SHOT SHOW, I wrote the following: The Glock 48 might be the only pistol that a new concealed carrier might ever need or a welcome addition for the experienced concealed carrier who desires a handgun that conceals nearly as well as sub-compact or micro-compact 9mm (when mated with an excellent holster like the Keepers Keeper or Errand models) that also has 10 plus 1 ammunition capacity and shoots nearly as well as a compact or full-size service pistol. While length and height are similar to the much-respected Glock 19, the width of the slide is similar in size to the Glock 43 and width of the frame is only slightly larger. The 48’s slide sports an attractive silver nPVD finish that reportedly resists corrosion and abrasion quite well. 

I purchased one as soon as I returned home and hit the range. I was pleased to find it to be extremely shootable. Trigger pull was right around five pounds and the extra slide length seemed to eliminate most of the snap some shooters report with the Glock 43 (myself included). The Glock 48 in its original state appeared to be a solid defensive tool. However, the plastic sights are not to my liking, and due to the size of my large hands I occasionally found that I could not apply as much support hand grip as I desired. No problem, a few modifications could readily turn this handgun into a pistol in which I had full confidence that I was willing to stake my life on.

I purchased some Ameriglo Pro-Glo sights and had the grip laser-stippled in order to enhance my support hand grip.  I otherwise left the pistol stock. Glock pistols make great templates for owner customizations, and while it’s tempting to go full “John Wick” on them I prefer to leave them close to stock, especially when it comes to decreasing trigger pulls. On occasion a Glock can leave the factory with a less than acceptable trigger that can benefit from some careful polishing, but I am a “if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it” advocate.

After running one for six months, I am indeed a fan. I have no issues shooting select drills developed by such instructors as Ken Hackathorn, Larry Vickers, Tom Givens, and Dave Spaulding. At five yards I can shoot it as fast and accurately as my Glock 19, and from there to fifteen yards probably 80-90% as well as my 19.  In local club matches I competed very well against IDPA Expert-rated shooters running Glock 19s and 17s.  At twenty-five yards my performance does fall off. While trigger pull weights of both the Glock 48 and Glock 19 are very close, the heavier weight of the 19 makes it easier to not let the front sight move around as much in the rear sight notch when shooting rapid fire. The intrinsic accuracy of both pistols is probably also close, but the difference in practical accuracy (for me) at those distances when I am trying to complete a timed drill is noticeable.

The 48 is easier for me to conceal considering that my preferred dress involves mostly tee shirts. While the height and length of the two handguns are similar, the thinner 48 simply does not print to the extent as the 19, and the difference in weight is noticeable. The Glock 19 weighs approximately 30 ounces loaded, whereas the Glock 48 weighs around 25 ounces (granted, the Glock 19 magazine holds 15 rounds to the 10 rounds held by the Glock 48 magazine).

One thing that is not debatable is that the Glock 19 is too large for some people’s hands, and their shooting may be compromised as a result.  While more ammunition is always preferable to less, the Glock 48 still holds more rounds than the 1911 in .45 caliber, and hits are always preferable to misses. The Glock 48 should be a great gun for shooters with small hands, and its flatness makes it a great concealed carry pistol for nearly everyone. I read a post last week where an experienced shooter recommended the Glock 48 as a great pistol for those on a budget. I would take issue and say that is a great pistol for any shooter regardless of budget for general conceal carry. It is light in weight, holds plenty of ammunition, and can be shot fast and accurately outside of the distances most civil-sector gunfights occur.

The reason that I wrote this article is that as an instructor I have seen students show up for classes with all sorts of handguns, from near trash to high-dollar Wilsons. If you are a new shooter wondering what handgun to buy or contemplating buying one for your spouse or adult child, I recommend that you look at the Glock 48.  Whenever I see a student show up at class with a handgun like this, I am comfortable that they are more likely to be able to direct all of their focus on learning without having to deal with a handgun that is too large, too heavy, too complicated, too hard to shoot, or prone to malfunction.

There is an old saying that goes “it’s not the sword, it’s the Spartan.”  There is a certain amount of truth there, but every Spartan also had a sword suitable for the combat in which they engaged. It may not be pretty, but it could be counted on to work.  The Glock 48 should fit that bill for the concealed carrier.


Steve Moses

Steve is a long-time defensive weapons instructor based out of Texas who has trained hundreds of men and women of all ages for more than two decades on how to better prepare to defend themselves and their loved ones. Steve has completed over 80 private-sector and law enforcement-only defensive weapons and tactics classes, and has trained civilian and law-enforcement officers in six states. Moses is a reserve deputy, former member of a multi-precinct Special Response Team, competitive shooter, and martial artist. Steve has written numerous articles for SWAT Magazine and other publications. Steve is a licensed Texas Level 4 Personal Security Officer and Instructor who was Shift Lead on a mega-church security detail for seven years, and has provided close protection for several former foreign Heads of State. He is currently an instructor at Relson Gracie Jiu Jitsu/Krav Maga in Tyler, Texas and Director of Training for Palisade Training Group (