Posted on August 6, 2018 by Shawn Vincent in Don West
“In Self Defense” Podcast With Don West and Shawn Vincent – Florida Self Defense Laws
This episode of “In Self Defense” features Don and Shawn talking about the recent shooting in Clearwater, FL over a handicapped parking spot at a convenience store.
On Thursday, July 19th, Markeis McGlockton parked in a handicap spot with his girlfriend and three young kids before going inside a convenience store with his five-year-old son to buy snacks. Outside, Michael Drejka approached McGlockton’s girlfriend, Britany Jacobs. Jacobs says Drejka yelled at her for parking in a handicapped spot without a permit.
Surveillance footage shows McGlockton then walked out of the store and shoved Drejka to the ground. Seconds later, Drejka pulled out his gun and fired a single shot at McGlockton in the chest. The 28-year-old stumbled back into the store and collapsed in front of his son.
Drejka has a concealed weapons permit and told police he shot McGlockton because he feared for his life.
Don and Shawn talk about the case in relation to Florida’s self defense laws, and the “Stand Your Ground” law. Don explains the Florida statute on self defense, the history of the statute and some of the changes in the statute over the years. They also talk about the boundaries that the courts and law enforcement will look at incidents to determine if self defense applies.
Below is a news story with a video of the incident, and a news conference with the Sheriff.