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Posted on November 3, 2018 by in Uncategorized

Inside CCW Safe Podcast- Episode 10: Citizen’s Use of Force Continuum, Part I

Listen to the “Inside CCW Safe” Podcast


In this week’s episode, Mike and Stan talk about the Citizen’s Use of Force Continuum that was developed by CCW Safe.

They talk about the foundation of the continuum being preparation and avoidance.

Preparing and avoiding is something that we do everyday, but probably don’t even think about it. We wake up in the morning and most of us check the weather for any warnings, including heat waves, tornadoes, flash flooding, etc.  We grab a cup of coffee and before heading into work, we check the latest traffic reports to avoid traffic jams or accidents that may set us back. We strive to make our days as efficient as possible, and we try to avoid delays and potentially dangerous situations.

When it comes to self defense and personal protection, it should be no different. We should recognize and accept the responsibility that comes with carrying, and we should always have a good understanding of risk, and where there is a higher risk in terms of our personal protection.

Location is a great example of this. I’m sure we all know of areas where we wouldn’t want to be stranded late at night, or where we wouldn’t want to take our kids anytime of day. But there are probably more locations, that we might not give much thought to, that could have elevated risks in terms of personal safety. If you are new to an area, have relocated, or are just unfamiliar with some of the surrounding areas where you live, most cities now have crime mapping available online. Even though I am not from Chicago, and live nowhere near there, I love this site that breaks down virtually every violent crime related issue in Chicago. If you can’t find anything online where you live, you can always call the non emergency line of your police department, and ask for a PIO (public information officer) or for someone who might have some information on crime in your area.

They also talk about the first layer of the continuum pyramid, being Situational Awareness.  Situational awareness is the first level in the civilian use of force continuum. From an early age, we all learn things to look out for.  Situational awareness is also based on your personal experiences, knowledge, or from information from others. It is the most important part of the continuum, because every action will be based off of your situational awareness.

Situational awareness is not only just your ability to notice things that are out of place, or potentially dangerous, but also your ability to quickly make complex decisions, based on the information you have at that time.

For more information, check out the earlier articles on the continuum, which covers Preparation and Avoidance and Situational Awareness.

Time: 1:00:07

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Stan Campbell, Co-Founder/COO

Stan Campbell has over 20 years of experience as a police officer in Oklahoma City. He retired as a Lieutenant over a street crime team, and spent over 10 years on the Tactical Unit (SWAT) and has spent 15 years developing and teaching self-defense curriculum. Stan is a certified National self-defense Instructor and has also instructed officers in British Territories. Stan has extensive experience and knowledge in the critical incident command system, officer involved shootings and use of force incidents. 

Email Stan

Mike Darter, Co-Founder/CEO

Mike was a police officer in Oklahoma City from 1991-2001, and a federal contractor for the DOJ from 2001-2011.  During his career, Mike investigated and testified in hundreds of violent crimes, including shootings, homicides, and other violent felony crimes.  Mike was involved in a shooting as a police officer and went through a lawsuit from that shooting.  The lawsuit was later dismissed, but his experience is what led to the creation of CCW Safe.  

Email Mike

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