Posted on July 17, 2019
Inside CCW Safe Podcast-Episode 40: Lessons Learned From A Police Shooting
Listen to the “Inside CCW Safe” Podcast
Episode 40: Lessons Learned From A Police Shooting
In this podcast, Stan continues to interview Mike about his shooting. Mike was involved in a shooting as a police officer, and was later sued in federal court, which was the foundation of the creation of CCW Safe. The lawsuit was kicked out at summary judgement, but that experience is what later led to the creation of CCW Safe.
Mike talks about some key learning points that came out of his shooting. One was training, which we all fall back on during critical stress incidents. It’s imperative to continue training in various ways if you are going to carry concealed. Another was knowing what to expect in terms of the physiological effects that your body and mind may encounter. Some of these effects may be tunnel vision, auditory exclusion, intense second guessing, temporary memory loss, and temporary loss of motor skills.
This is a great podcast that can help prepare you if you are ever put into a situation where you have to defend yourself with deadly force.
Time: 53:55

Stan Campbell, Co-Founder/COO
Stan Campbell has over 20 years of experience as a police officer in Oklahoma City. He retired as a Lieutenant over a street crime team, and spent over 10 years on the Tactical Unit (SWAT) and has spent 15 years developing and teaching self-defense curriculum. Stan is a certified National self-defense Instructor and has also instructed officers in British Territories. Stan has extensive experience and knowledge in the critical incident command system, officer involved shootings and use of force incidents.

Mike Darter, Co-Founder/CEO
Mike was a police officer in Oklahoma City from 1991-2001, and a federal contractor for the DOJ from 2001-2011. During his career, Mike investigated and testified in hundreds of violent crimes, including shootings, homicides, and other violent felony crimes. Mike was involved in a shooting as a police officer and went through a lawsuit from that shooting. The lawsuit was later dismissed, but his experience is what led to the creation of CCW Safe.
Full transcription coming soon!