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Posted on June 13, 2018

New! Case Of The Week with Andrew Branca

We are pleased to announce a new video series with Andrew Branca, and The Law Of Self Defense.  We will be publishing part of his “Case Of The Week” podcast for our members and followers each week.

Law of Self Defense Case of the Week: June 13, 2018:

The “Case of the Week” segment will be a case out of the Supreme Court of Kansas involving issues whether the legal defense of self-defense can be raised if one is charged with a forcible felony, as well as issues of felony murder, mutual combat, and the surprising (not!) reality that the failure of a rap group can lead to murder.   

State v. Barlett, 2018 Kan. LEXIS 205

Now, the full “Law of Self Defense Show,” which typically runs 30-40 minutes, and is accessible for FREE for only 24 hours following the show, and folks can view that entire video during that 24 hour window by clicking here.  Once that 24 hour window is closed, the recording of the show is limited to those who subscribe to the show on his patreon site, which you can view by clicking here.
These shows are full of great information for those who carry in self defense, or own a firearm for home defense.