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Responsible Self-Defense begins with Knowledge.

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Inside CCW Safe Podcast: Episode 25: Media Matters feat. Bob O’Connor

In this episode, Stan and Mike talk with Bob O'Connor about what can happen when you are involved in a lethal self...

Glock 48 – Best Concealed Carry Pistol

Steve Moses discusses concealed carry handgun options, specifically the Glock 48 - ideal for concealed carriers. Also,...

Self-Defense or Murder? Jerome Ersland Case

Read CCW Safe's blog exploring the Jerome Ersland Case, for perspective on when the line is crossed between justifiable...

Inside CCW Safe Podcast: Episode 24- HR218 with Dave Spaulding

In this podcast, Stan and Mike talk with firearms trainer, and owner of Handgun Combatives Dave...

“In Self Defense” The Gyrell Lee Case: Testing The Limits of Stand Your Ground- The Verdict And Appeal

Lee appealed the verdict, and although he lost at the state court of appeals, the North Carolina Supreme Court decided...

Inside CCW Safe Podcast: Episode 23- Gear feat. Steve Moses

In this podcast episode, Stan and Mike talk with Steve Moses. The topic is gear, and Steve talks about everything from...