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Responsible Self-Defense begins with Knowledge.

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Case Of The Week with Andrew Branca-“A Self-Defense Cascade of Failure”

I’m often asked to describe the most common way people screw up their self-defense claim. The truth is there isn’t...

7 Tips To Prevent a Deadly Encounter

Our staff at CCW Safe has over 75 years of police experience collectively and have all been involved in hundreds of...

In Self Defense Podcast- The Gasser Case

Immediately after the shooting, Gasser exited his vehicle, still carrying his .40 caliber Smith & Wesson. Wendell Sam...

Case Of The Week with Andrew Branca- The Restaurant Attack

This case of the week involves a vicious bare-handed attack in the back of a Milwaukee restaurant that was stopped by...

Another Common Mistake That Gets Concealed Carriers In Trouble

If you are involved in a verbal altercation, or road rage type incident where someone is yelling at you from outside a...

What to Do in a Lawful Self-Defense Incident

What should you do (or not do) if you're forced to pull the trigger to defend your life? Read our expert's 10 steps for...