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Posted on September 24, 2018 by in Testimonials

The Stephen Maddox Story- Leadership


One of the things that was immediately apparent about CCW Safe to Stephen Maddox, was the leadership that was displayed by CCW Safe.  Stephen did a simple online search for legal defense companies for concealed carriers after hearing a radio ad from a competitor.  When comparing the services of CCW Safe, he immediately saw a higher level of leadership with CCW Safe.  He saw leadership as a company in the industry, but also with the owners and employees of CCW Safe.  

CCW Safe’s definition of Leadership is simply “Be part of the solution”.  

We were very fortunate to have worked under great leaders during our careers.  Law enforcement can be a very dynamic and dangerous environment.  Seeing leaders work in such chaos can be very educational, and can help develop true leadership, – Founder and CEO, Mike Darter.

CCW Safe is a leader in our space with in the firearms industry.  That’s why we at CCW Safe surround ourselves with other leaders such as Larry Vickers, Don West, Tyler Grey and Alexis Artwohl to name a few. 

From a leadership standpoint, CCW Safe does not have a cookie cutter approach to providing assistance if you are involved in a self defense shooting.  CCW Safe is geared toward leveling the playing field by giving their members immediate, and unlimited access to resources that can match, or even exceed, the resources of the prosecution or district attorneys office.  Because of CCW Safe’s structure and unlimited coverage, Stephen was able to have the best investigators, experts, consultants, and trial support, which allowed for the truth to be uncovered and demonstrated at trial in a way that made it clear that he acted in self defense. 

It was clear that the leadership displayed by CCW Safe, gave my defense team, myself and my family, the confidence that the facts would eventually come out, and that we would get past this over time. – Stephen Maddox, defended member.