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Posted on June 29, 2017

Tyler On Training: Prepare To Be Unprepared


Last week Tyler talked about the terrorist attacks in London, and the lessons that can be learned.  This week in a studio video, he talks about preparedness, specifically with terrorist attacks, which have grown in the last couple of years, especially on an international level.

The one thing that people need to realize is that it will be highly unlikely that you are prepared for a terrorist attack.  If you were prepared, you wouldn’t be there in the first place.  They set the time, they set the place.  Speakign of international attacks, what if you are overseas and don’t have the ability to possess a firearm?  How prepared would you be out of your “normal” element?

When talking about preparation, especially for terrorist attacks, the one area that you can prepare in, is being mentally prepared.  By developing good situational awareness, and mentally being prepared to be “unprepared” may be intrumental in you recognizing somethign is out of the ordinary, or that something is wrong, and you getting to safety and surviving such an attack.

This may be confusing for some, and that’s ok if it is, becuase as we go through the next few weeks, we are going to expand on this and talk more about situational awareness and preparation.  So stay tuned, and share this with your friends and family, as it is applicable to not just concealed carriers and firearms owners, but to anyone who is interested in personal safety.

If you have anything you want to say, ask or ideas for articles you would like to see some specific training please email me at:

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Tyler Grey

Training Advisor

Tyler Grey is a former US Army Tier 1 Operator with almost 10 years in US Army special operations. He served over 4 and half years with the 2nd Ranger Battalion as a Sniper and then another four and a half at Ft. Bragg as an Assaulter. He has extensive combat experience from multiple tours in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as other deployments in support of US policies and objectives. He is an extremely proficient tactician and an expert instructor for Multiple Weapons Systems, Sniping, CQB, Counter Terrorism, PSD, Small Unit Tactics, Urban Combat, Evasive Driving, and other special operations skills. Since being medically retired for wounds received in Iraq, Tyler has continued to expand his knowledge and develop new tactics and training techniques. We are proud to have him as our training advisor.