Posted on April 27, 2017 by Tyler Grey in Tyler Grey
Tyler on Training: The Most Important Gear
Today, Tyler talks about the most important gear that every concealed carrier and gun owner has. While there are great holsters, and mag pouches, and lights, and ammo out there, the most important gear is actually you. Your mind and body, working together, that is the ultimate tool. Putting time, effort and money into your personal training is alot better investment than putting it into any particular gear.
If you are interested in seeking advanced training, we would highly recommend visiting Aztec Training Services, below. Some of the classes are closed for law enforcement and military only, and many of the classes are advanced, but if you are serious about training, these are well worth your time and money.
Aztec Training Services
AZTEC Training Services is the premier tactical and marksmanship training company in the world. We offer a variety of courses of all skill levels for military, law enforcement, and law abiding citizens. Courses are offered from the top firearms trainers in the country, including Larry Vickers, Ken Hackathorn, Tyler Grey, and others, who offer real world experience based tactical training.