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Responsible Self-Defense begins with Knowledge.

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In Self Defense- With Don West and Shawn Vincent

In this first episode, Don and Shawn talk more in depth about the 4 elements that are common in self defense cases, and...

The Next Fight- The Verdict

With only few examples, a jury verdict has to be unanimous. In the jury deliberation, the jury can look at evidence,...

The Next Fight- Closing Arguments

In the closing arguments, both sides will have the opportunity to address the jury, with the prosecutor going first,...

Self-Defense Civil Suits in Florida

A look at what might happen if you're ever sued for using self-defense to defend your life or your family's life during...

The Next Fight- Defense Witnesses

Don talks about about defense witnesses and experts in various fields, such as use of force...

The Next Fight- Direct And Circumstantial Evidence

Circumstantial evidence is that in combination with other evidence can be used to prove a fact, but requires some...